Color chart of DDGS

Color chart of DDGS

  • By: Admin
  • 2022-04-11
Some Interesting Attributes Regarding Rice DDGS

The distillation process produces distillers' grains, which are cereal by-products. Brewer's spent grain is a term used to describe barley that is created as a by-product during brewing, though distillers are a mixture of different grains, rice and corn.

DDGS is a by-product of the dry processing of cereal grains' starch content to produce ethanol (bajra, barley, corn, rice, sorghum, wheat, etc). 

Other than starch, the nutrient components of the grains (protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins) are concentrated 2-4 times of the equivalent grains as ddgs, resulting in a high-nutrient product, particularly for protein (amino acids), energy, and phosphorus for livestock, poultry, and aquaculture.

There are two major sources of the grains. Brewers bring the most traditional form. Recently, the growing source has been Ethanol Biofuel plants. By drying mash it is created in distillers and is later traded for different purposes. 

Dried distillers grain with solubles as a food source for humans has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease in studies. The liquid that remains after the procedure contains nutrients such fiber, germ, minerals, and vitamins, and tests have shown that DDG flour may be used to make cookies and flatbread. Breakfast cereal has been compared to the texture and flavor of food-grade DDG, notably maize.

Dry Distillers Grain Solubles 

DDGS is WDG that has been dried to 10-12 percent moisture using intense thin stillage. DDGS has an almost unlimited shelf life and may be supplied to any market, regardless of whether it is near an ethanol plant. Drying is expensive since it necessitates the use of more energy. It is packaged and traded as a commodity product in the United States.

Why Measure Color?

For decades, color has been utilized as a subjective indicator of feed ingredient nutritional quality. Sugars and amino acids undergo a chemical reaction that renders the amino acids, particularly lysine, indigestible. These reactions are characterized by color darkening (browning), burned flavor and odor and occur when mid to high protein feed ingredients are overheated during the production and drying process.

Temperatures used for dry-grinding Ethanol facilities may operate at temperatures ranging from 127 to 621 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, color can indicate grain maturity, storage conditions, the presence of toxins, sand contamination, and the likely usage of insecticides/fungicides, which give the grain a dull and dusty appearance. Sorghum that is orange to crimson in color may have a high tannin content. Browning or blackening can indicate overheating or spoiling from inappropriate storage, lowering the nutritional value.

Why examine colors?

It is critical to understand how different cultures around the world see things when living and working in a global economy. The symbolic nature of their thoughts and the foundation for the acts they choose. 

In Chinese culture, for example, the hue yellow is regarded as the most beautiful, as it represents the earth and the center of everything, as well as neutrality and good fortune. 

Furthermore, dark-yellow egg yolks and chicken skin are preferred by consumers in many Asian countries. 

As a result, the color yellow or golden is highly valued, which is probably one of the reasons why golden DDGS is the favored color of DDGS in many regions of the world. 

In conclusion it can be stated that color 1 to 4 are recommended to buy, while 5 to 7 are known to have low nutritional value and hence not recommended.